
Toshie Takeuchi is a participating artist in our fall program Des hôtes: a foreigner, a human, an unexpected visitor (2015). As part of Spring’s event series, Let’s talk with our mouths full, Toshie Takeuchi will share her work-in-progress on the history of Villa K, the former Congolese embassy cum squat in the Hague, the Netherlands, over a casual dinner with a small audience.

Toshie Takeuchi (b. 1977, Aichi, Japan) mainly uses photography, video and performance in her works, that are based in theoretical, historical and philosophical research, as well as inspirations from people she interviews. Her main interest lies in exploring our fragile position and ambiguous territory in our physical and/or psychological space. Her works often stem from her own experiences in close and personal environments such as the uncertain relationships between man and animal, the private and the public and/or the self vs. the other as they are always uncertain. Thus, they create duality in man’s identity. Through her artworks, she offers an alternative perception to the viewer when it comes to considering conventional values of property, thereby creating alternate journeys and narratives of thought. Takeuchi lives and works in Copenhagen.



Spring 工作室
香港 香港仔
黃竹坑道42號 利美中心3樓

T + 852 2110 4370
F + 852 2110 4372

週二至週五 中午12時至6時 (包括公眾假期)
