Travis Jeppesen

Travis Jeppesen is a writer and artist based in Berlin. He is the author of several novels, including The Suiciders, Victims, and Wolf at the Door. In addition to his art criticism, he is known as the creator of object-oriented writing, a metaphysical form of writing-as-embodiment that attempts to channel the inner lives of objects. His first major object-oriented writing project, 16 Sculptures, was published in book format by Publication Studio, featured in the Whitney Biennial as an audio installation, and was the subject of a solo exhibition at Wilkinson Gallery in London. More recently, an exhibition and publication of his calligraphic work, New Writing, was launched at Exile, Berlin, in May 2016.

  • 日期September 2016
  • 類型駐場藝術家

Spring 工作室
香港 香港仔
黃竹坑道42號 利美中心3樓

T + 852 2110 4370
F + 852 2110 4372

週二至週五 中午12時至6時 (包括公眾假期)
