Wandering Ears:
Sound and Listening in the South

Spring Workshop and soundpocket are delighted to present “Wandering Ears: Sound and Listening in the South”. Artists Samson Cheung Choi-sangMark Chung Ching and Li Hiu-wa will lead a one-day workshop in Aberdeen and Wong Chuk Hang. Participants are invited on a secret outdoor journey designed by the artists where they will be led in listening exercises. After experiencing different methods of listening and sound-collecting, the artists and participants will reify the fleeting aural moments by creating a listening journal. If you are curious about sound and alternative ways of listening, or wish to enhance your sonic sensibility, join us to “wander your ears around!”

(The workshop will be conducted in Cantonese, but we will offer whispered translations for English-speakers who wish to join the program.)

*Seats are limited, so please write to rsvp@springworkshop.org to reserve a place.

  • 類型活動



Spring 工作室
香港 香港仔
黃竹坑道42號 利美中心3樓

T + 852 2110 4370
F + 852 2110 4372

週二至週五 中午12時至6時 (包括公眾假期)
