William Lim

Tables for Friends, 2012

Marine plywood and acrylic paint

Artist Statement

Tables for Friends is an outdoor piece of furniture to celebrate the gatherings, people and friends who visit Spring. Taking the form from the logo of KplusK, the architect for spring and a good friendly fellow design practice, I designed this pair of tables to reflect the changing environment of Wong Chuk Hang.  Initially the tables were painted with scenes seen from the terrace of spring.  After the table was completed, and left in the open, the good old sun and rain do weather the piece.  The lines slowly fade and get erased.  It is a very poetic notion, even the sun takes part in the work.  To me, it is really important that people use the table, so it has a life of its own.  People gather around it, and leave their mark on it.  Over time, memories will be built around and on it, and some of these get erased and then new memories get added.  The exciting part is we leave to fate what may happen or who may visit the table.  Like life, we just go a day at a time.  Enjoy it as it will fade and evolve.

Other ongoing installations


Spring Workshop

3/F Remex Centre
42 Wong Chuk Hang Road
Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Click here for map of Wong Chuk Hang neighbourhood